My new venture, as you see it here, is called Intelligent Curriculum® --partly because the internet allows us, as martial arts teachers, to design and display our school's curriculum and everything that has to do with communicating to students, parents, and potential members, in a new, dynamic, and intelligent way.
Just take a look at how attractive this simple blog is -and see how I've made two entries as examples of how your own students could be seeing YOUR curriculum.
The other reason I call this work "Intelligent" is that looking at your school's curriculum in a new way, laying it out in a more complete and educational fashion, and doing it all in a format that gives you SO MUCH control over the what and why ----well, it's very intelligent, very "today," and let me tell you, it's going to be very good for your school/business.

Why am I the right person to help you with your curriculum design?
Well, I write and speak about the benefits of the martial arts as good -or better -than anyone in the martial arts world. My communication skills will help you to do what you do better.
The 5 years of experience I have with my project THE ULTIMATE BLACK BELT TEST, has allowed me to try more than 25 new testing concepts with more than 100 different black belts --and what I've learned from that process will help you be a more dynamic and effective teacher.
I intentionally use free and low-tech web-based tools for this work, so that YOU can have complete control of your material, without the headaches of web-technicians. I will teach you how to use the web to be a better teacher and communicator.
I KNOW the business we are in, intimately. I'm a veteran master teacher and school owner with a reputation and level of experience than is second to none.
Most of all, I LIKE THIS WORK --it's about improvement and change and authenticity for the martial arts.
Look at the two entries below this as examples of how you might communicate your life's work to your students and community.
This is, partly, how I do it --and I can help you develop a MUCH MORE POWERFUL approach to your curriculum design.
See a copy of the WHITE to ORANGE BELT Curriculum, in black, Here.
See a copy of the WHITE to ORANGE BELT Curriculum, in black, Here.
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